It is a well known fact that the New York City Apartments Rental market moves fast. Our Rental Guide addresses the fundamental questions our clients have about finding an apartment. See sections on Standard Fund Requirements, General Approval Requirements, Typical Questions Answered, and Real Estate Terms Defined.

Standard Fund Requirements

The Budget

It's crucial to have a budget in mind when looking for an apartment or rental property. Factors like size, location, condition, and amenities all influence the price. Setting a budget early helps you know what you can afford. A general guideline is that your annual income should be at least 40 times the monthly rent to comfortably afford it. Landlords often require 80 times the monthly rent if you use a guarantor. Please use below table as a general guideline.

Maximum BudgetIncome = 40X RentGuarantor Income = 80X Rent 


Rachel and Sara want to rent an apartment in East Village. Rachel earns $100,000 and Sara earns $60,000. Together, they can afford a two bedroom apartment costing $4,000/month since their combined income is $100,000 + $60,000 = $160,000, which is 40X of $4,000.

Michael is joining New York University as a freshman. He wants to rent a studio apartment in Murry Hill costing $2,500. His father is a lawyer in Dallas, Texas earning $250,000/year. Michael can apply for an apartment using his father as the guarantor, who earns more than 80X of monthly cost of the apartment (80* $2,500 = $200,000).

Liquid Funds

Tenants generally provide 1st month's rent upfront, 1 month's rent as the security deposit and 1 month of broker fees. So they should have 3 months worth of funds readily available to start the application process.


Rachel and Sara would need $4,000 * 3 = $12,000 in their bank accounts. Rachael's last month ending checking Bank statement balance was $20,000, while Sara had $12,000 in her checking bank account as of the last month. Together they have enough liquid funds ($20,000 + $12,000 = $32,000).

Michael's father's brokerage account had $150,000 of stocks and $50,000 in his checking account as of the last month. This amount of fund ($150,000 + $50,000 = $200,000) is more than enough to satisfy 3 times of rent ($2,500 * 3 = $7,500) as the liquid funds.


General Approval Requirements

Approval Requirements differ depending on the landlord/management company and/or on the building. The following are general guidelines that apply in most instances:

Typical Questions Answered

How much is CENTURY 21 Scope Realty's broker fee?
CENTURY 21 Scope Realty does not charge for information provided by the website nor do we charge for viewing of apartments or rental properties with through our brokers. Clients pay a broker's fee ONLY if they rent a property through CENTURY 21 Scope Realty. If the property is a NO FEE apartment in which case you will not incur brokers fee.

When should a perspective renter begin an apartment or property rental search?
Potential renters should begin their search 4-6 weeks prior to an anticipated moving date. Apartments are not usually ready more than 6 weeks ahead of a lease starting date.

What are Rent Stabilized buildings and/or apartments?
Rent stabilized buildings and/or apartments are buildings whose rent is regulated by the City of New York and State of New York. Rent increases are only about 2-4% annually. Once a renter secures a rent stabilized apartment, they have a right to renew a lease agreement indefinitely. A lot of brownstones, townhouses with more than 4 units and older tenement/elevator buildings in NYC fall into this category. These types of building are owned and operated by small to medium size landlords/management companies.

How much is CENTURY 21 Scope Realty's broker fee?
CENTURY 21 Scope Realty does not charge for information provided by the website nor do we charge for viewing of apartments or rental properties with through our brokers. Clients pay a broker's fee ONLY if they rent a property through CENTURY 21 Scope Realty.
Why choose CENTURY 21 Scope Realty? What sets it apart from all the others?

Prospective renters seek out CENTURY 21 Scope Realty Realty's service for 2 reasons:

First, our clients want to find the best deals coupled with the most value they can afford. They understand CENTURY 21 Scope Realty's brokers will save them considerable money in the long run. They understand that we offer a variety of services, covering all aspects of their property search. Our clients understand that even though they might be able to find 'No Fee' apartments, our brokers work extremely hard to negotiate the lowest possible monthly-rent payments. This amounts to long term savings that renters who don't use CENTURY 21 Scope Realty probably would not get.

Second, our clients want to save the time and energy that gets wasted when trying to find and close on a property in NYC's dynamic real estate market. The process can be very frustrating without much result. Our clients come to us in order to utilize the guidance, knowledge and experience of our licensed brokers. Our management team brings over 50 years of combined NYC real estate excellence to the table. Our clients benefit by saving money, time and effort.

What does 'No Fee' mean?
A lot of the apartments prospective renters see listed as 'No Fee' via the internet or advertised in newspapers actually use a flat fee agency. Prospective renters cannot get information about these properties without first paying a flat fee to these agencies. The fee is supposed to give the renter access to the agency's database. Fees can range from $50-$250, even though these agencies are not legally allowed to charge more than $15 for their services. Very few agency subscribers rent their apartments this way. A lot these agencies provide almost no support service to clients. They have little or no staff and they operate basically as internet-information agencies. Therefore they cannot possibly provide the expertise of a licensed broker. Be wary of information obtained in this manner as the information tends to be unreliable and outdated.
How can I find a "No Fee" apartment?

Sometimes landlords/management companies or brokers offer rental properties or apartments for 'No fee' (meaning no broker fees or rental application fees). These 'deals' tend toward being some of the most expensive apartments on the market. Most 'No Fee' apartments are found in high-rise, doorman buildings or newly constructed buildings. Generally 'No fees' are offered because of the sheer size of a building. These apartments are priced fairly and not great deals but they are not bad ones either. Sometime CENTURY 21 Scope Realty represents certain landlords/management companies or buildings that offer 'No Fee' apartments. These tend to be in luxury/doorman buildings and are priced at $2000 per month and up. In this instance the fees are paid by the landlord/management company. In this case CENTURY 21 Scope Realty passes on the savings to clients and provides all our services to you free of charge. Not all 'No fee' properties are found in doorman buildings. Sometimes landlords/management companies of elevator or walk up buildings will advertise apartments as 'No Fee' on the web or in newspapers. Generally these apartments are not good deals because landlords avoid additional costs and charge the tenant higher monthly payments. Fairly priced properties with a broker's fee would probably cost LESS money than a 'No Fee' apartment in an elevator or walk up building.

Is having a pet a problem?

Having a dog narrows the selection of properties down to 15% of what is currently available on the market. Cats tend not to be as much of a problem. Clients tell your broker about pets to save time and money.

Besides rent stabilized buildings, what other types of apartment buildings are there in NYC?

There are rental buildings, co-ops, and condo buildings.